Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Student Projects

Students pursuing an MA in English Studies at IIT Madras and enrolled for the class “Postcolonial  and New Writings” were asked to develop projects in relation to the larger call for artistic  production on the theme “Communities of Choice” as detailed by the Chennai Photo Biennale  Foundation. In addition, they were expected to draw out a clear line of analysis vis-à-vis the central  concern of the class, namely postcoloniality. In this was also an opportunity to look at the  vicissitudes of the term “community”, one enjoying recuperation in a post-globalization era with its  attendant problems of anomie and precarity.  Four groups were organised for this purpose with  each group responding to the call from a different vantage point.

Dr. Mathangi Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor of Anthropology, who is the faculty for the course, developed the brief, worked with the groups on theoretical and conceptual scaffolding, and collated their efforts for the CPB Foundation.

Thee Utter Postcoloniality

Postcolonial Clubbing

Kerala Kala Samithi as a Community of Choice

Understanding Super-Fandom Communities in a Postcolonial Context